Mining and mineral processing

Mining and the mine approvals process

Caloundra Environmental has a long history of working with mining and mineral-processing projects – and a solid track record of gaining environmental approvals.

This includes the Savage River, Hellyer, Mt Bischoff, Fossey and Que River mines in northwest Tasmania, the Highway Reward Mine in north Queensland and the proposed Southdown Mine in southwest Western Australia.

Solution-oriented Caloundra Environmental director Stephen Kent specialises in managing the whole approvals process for new mining operations, including:

  • Drafting and submitting an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
  • Preparation of Environmental Management Plans (EMP).
  • Developing systems to meet health and safety compliance.
  • Liaising with stakeholders, including Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) staff – or their equivalent depending on the state or territory – and conservation groups.

Sampling of run-off water quality at Tasmania’s Que River Mine.


With mines and geochemistry including Acid and Metalliferous Drainage (AMD) having been a great passion for Stephen over his 30 years in the industry, he provides cost-effective, practical solutions while taking the hassle out of the EIS or EMP processes for clients.

After gathering background data, he goes to site and make assessments against the data provided, evaluates the problems through identifying risk and environmental aspects, then looks at existing management protocols, optimises controls and ongoing review processes.

He pulls in hand-picked experts who at the top of their fields, but whose services are also cost-effective in comparison to others, when their skills and expertise are required for various highly technical areas.

And finally, utilising strongly honed communication skills that set him apart from many in his field, Stephen presents everything in a report that covers off on the necessary technical aspects while still being easy-to-understand by stakeholders.

Stephen’s track record in relation to environmental issues surrounding mining and minerals processing is extremely impressive. During his previous employment as Australian Bulk Minerals’ environment manager, the company received two Tasmanian Environmental Excellence awards related to innovative waste rock management (1999) and water management (2001).

Need assistance with environmental approvals?


Acid and Metalliferous Drainage (AMD)

Caloundra Environmental has been working in the mine waste or AMD management area for more than 20 years. This involved developing systems and processes to remediate legacy pollution through the integration of current mining activities and use of natural resources where possible.

Services offered relating to mine waste and AMD include:

  • Site investigation and evaluations.
  • Acid rock drainage or acid sulphate soil management plans.
  • Soil and water monitoring.
  • Active and passive treatment scenarios.

Stephen has particularly strong scientific knowledge around AMD and wide experience around managing AMD issues, making him an authority figure in this field.

In fact, development of practices to remediate legacy AMD has been crucial to Caloundra Environmental gaining approvals for clients in relation to mining operations in Tasmania. Often Stephen has acted as the client’s external Environmental Manager during the approvals process, providing technical and managerial guidance throughout.

AMD pool at a north Queensland mine.


Need assistance with AMD management?


Mine closures or rehabilitations

With considerable experience with their long-term management and implementation, Caloundra Environmental can also assist with the development of mine closure plans or mine rehabilitation plans. This extends to the assessment of financial assurance requirements.

As remediation and rehabilitation work relating to groundwater and surface water quality can be a long-term, expensive process for clients – sometimes lasting decades – Stephen realises how vital it is to plan early and get the process correct.

In fact Stephen’s most recognised work was for Australian Bulk Minerals in managing the Savage River Rehabilitation Project (with the State Government Environment Department). This included his team developing techniques to integrate mining with environmental remediation, with the engineering and geotechnical work undertaken by colleague Bruce Hutchinson pivotal to the project’s overall success.

Successful revegetation of a waste rock dump at a north Queensland mine.

In 1997 the Savage River was biologically dead for 30km downstream but by 2004, when Stephen left the company, the river water was meeting standards and pelagic species were swimming through the mining lease.

High-level written communication including describing environmental issues, risks and management protocols is an essential aspect.

Need assistance with mine rehabilitation?


An aerial view of the Savage River Rehabilitation Project in Tasmania.

Get in touch

Stephen Kent
Owner and Director

To find out how Caloundra Environmental can help you, please call Stephen for an obligation-free discussion or send an email today.
